5th auction on white certificates

In mid-September 2016, the President of the Energy Regulatory Office announced another tender for the selection of energy efficiency projects, in respect of which white certificates will be issued. According to the Energy Efficiency Act of 15 April 2011, it was the last moment to apply for certificates!

DBE is the leader of energy efficiency industry when it comes to acquiring White Certificates. We provide Energy Efficiency Audit (AEE) of the Energy Efficiency Investments (PSPEE) and we further acquire White Certificates in respect of them. We provide these services mainly on the basis of success fee. Additionally, the results of the 4th tender for White Certificates were announced in 2016. 

In consequence of the 4th tender for White Certificates, we gained about 77 thousand of toe (tonne of oil equivalent) of the estimated market value amounting to approximately USD 21.5 million, which constituted 18% of all certificates granted by the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) to final receivers.In 5th tender for White Certificates, we filed applications for about 350 thousand of toe (tonne of oil equivalent) with an expected market value of over USD 100 million, which makes us the leader of the market.