Reduce energy costs and cater for the climate neutrality thanks to the zero-emission strategy!

We provide a complex plan to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, it entails:
- a procedure to maximally and physically reduce your company’s energy consumption along with the emissions by improving the energy efficiency,
- renewable energy sources which may be applied in your plant,
- financial and legal opportunities to become zero-emission.
Learn which strategy will prove financially viable for you and which will provide for optimal benefits for your company!
We collaborate closely with your company in each stage of achieving climate neutrality. Each strategy to become zero-emission is divided into implementation steps:
Swift and financially
viable investments
We will assess which projects are worth implementing today in order to generate savings and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.
Power source
We will recommend specific modernisations for power sources in your company thanks to which emissions will be reduced and permanent savings will be provided.
New sources
and processes
We will suggest which renewable or low-emission energy sources are worth investing in. We will demonstrate how to modernise your technological processes so that emissions are maximally reduced and permanent savings are generated. We will additionally study the possibility to alternate the fuel type.
Legal methods
and financing
We will advise how to compensate the emissions which may not be physically reduced.

We reduced the greenhouse gas emissions while considering the current market changes. We will develop your strategy, submit ourselves to its implementation, provide for financing in the ESCO model. We will support you with consultancy while completing the project. Implement the strategy – increase your profits and protect the climate.
What will you find in the elaboration?
The vision and purpose of zero-emission strategy implementation
Measurement and the carbon footprint assessment in your company
The analysis of the particular clients’ requirements, legal regulations and directives along with the currently debated climate packages
The summary of measures aimed at energy efficiency improvement and emissions reduction, as well as the currently proceeded investment plans in your company:
- the review of technology in place
- the analysis of available energy reviews
- the set of solutions to improve energy efficiency and to reduce emissions
- the summary
The roadmap of how to implement the zero-emission strategy together with data and dependencies between departments
Financial effect assessment while implementing the zero-emission strategy
The assessment of cut-off dates for measures to fit in the selected critical path while implementing the strategy
The summary (the synthetic outline of the most significant conclusions)
Contents to include in marketing materials
Learn your detailed plan to become

The zero-emission strategy does not include solely the recommended measures for your company. It also entails the forecasted deadline, essential financial outlays and the estimated point in time when first savings will be generated.
Depending on your needs, we may finance the investment in the ESCO model, update the strategy each quarter or each six months, considering the running investments or the necessity to intensify performance to reduce emissions.
DB Energy
will provide your company with the optimal zero-emission strategy! Maximise your savings and reduce physically emissions with no financial outlays – DB Energy will finance and implement the zero-emission strategy for you!
How do we work?
Case study: zero-emission strategy
The steps to achieve climate neutrality which are implemented in our client's company representing the pharmaceutical industry, prepared on the basis of audits conducted.