Assess the carbon footprint in your company and learn which impact it exerts on the environment
Reduce emissions,
gain competitive advantage
Be provided with reliable information on how much greenhouse gases you company emits and how it impacts the climate.
Use the calculations while reporting your influence on the environment.
Reduce your emissions – the carbon footprint as a starting point to design the zero-emission strategy.
We will evaluate the processes in your company and calculate the carbon footprint in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
We will inspect the entire direct and indirect emissions in you company.
What does the carbon footprint consist of?

Emissions along the entire value chain – associated with the production of the purchased utilities, raw materials and services, (e.g.: electrical and thermal energy, intermediate products), transport of raw materials and intermediate products, related to the client’s operation, distribution, sales and waste disposal.
Greenhouse gas emissions:
- carbon dioxide (CO2),
- methane (CH4),
- nitrous oxide (N2O),
- hydrofluorocarbons (HFC),
- perfluorocarbons (PFC),
- sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).
We calculate the carbon footprint
in three scopes – depending on the company’s goal
Scope 1 | Scope 2 | Scope 3 |
We evaluate the direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company, emissions which result from the company’s technological processes and refrigerants released to the atmosphere. | We evaluate the indirect emissions which are generated while using electrical, thermal and cooling energy along with the technological steam purchased externally by the client. | We focus on the remaining indirect emissions which occur in the entire value chain – such as production of resources and intermediate products, waste management, transportation, employees business trips and even the end-user application of manufactured products. |
Rising atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases results directly in the ongoing climate changes. It happens to be the greatest threat for the modern world. When calculating the carbon footprint, you will make a step towards implementing positive changes in your company. They will result in numerous benefits which may be divided into three categories: environmental (by minimising the negative influence a company exerts on the environment), economical (by optimising the production process, decreasing currently applied outlays for production) and the one related toboosting the company’s image.