Our R&D activity

Our experience in running R&D projects for our clients prompted us to develop the DBE research department. In 2014, we established our internal R&D department, headed by Przemysław Kurylas.

It mainly deals with:

  • research into the energy efficiency of technological processes,
  • research in the field of diagnostics of machines and devices (DiagSys).

DiagSys – motors and drive system diagnostics

We consider the conclusion of the grant agreement with the National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR) on 22 June 2016 to be a significant moment in the history of our R&D department. The grant was awarded for the project entitled:

„Development of an innovative diagnostic system of drives (DiagSys) based on the electrical measurement of signals typical of mechanical failures of the elements of rotating machines, including development of the specialized analyser of the operating status and efficiency of machines (APPS 3)”.

The project is financed under the Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020, within the submeasure 1.1.1. 'Industrial research and development works conducted by enterprises'. Contest Number: 1/1.1.1/2015. The value of the project is PLN 5 974 021.85. The value of the grant is PLN 3 727 676.11.

Project aims

Our goal is to develop a system which will allow for remote diagnostics of propulsion systems in industrial processes. The system will have to fulfil two major tasks:

  • control the work of machines, prevent machine failures and remove them quickly (the average cost of failure ranges from several hundred thousand to several million zlotys per day of the downtime in a medium or large company in Poland),
  • reduce energy consumption (industry is responsible for 41% of electric energy consumption in the world, industry in Poland consumes 24% of electric energy and the numbers are still growing; drives are responsible for the consumption of 70% of the energy used by the industry – DiagSys will reduce the consumption by 0.9-7.5%).

The main advantages of DiagSys include:

  • the cost of the system is lower than the cost of vibroacoustic analysis and thermal imaging which are currently used,
  • on-line continuous measurements are performed – continuous machine monitoring is provided,
  • there is no need for the data to be interpreted by an expert – intelligent database is provided,
  • you may take advantage of the online expert advice,
  • integration with automation devices is possible – control of production process efficiency is guaranteed.

Moreover, our diagnostic system performs a full range of vibroacoustic measurements which are based on current signals. It provides at the same time a possibility to control entirely costs generated by a machine which operates with a malfunction. The installation of DiagSys is similar to an energy quality analyser, it may be performed remotely and does not require a direct interference in a drive system. As the tool is strongly directed towards functionality, the unit will be intuitive and user-friendly. In addition, its portable form allows it to utilize the unit to control few machines simultaneously.

A database, which the unit is connected with while performing diagnostic activities, has millions of industrial malfunctions entries. Therefore, the unit does not have to 'learn' about a device or machine which is being diagnosed. It is capable of providing a recommendation on repair activities for machines and devices which are diagnosed for the first time.